Dr. Ulf-Gerson Kemper, LL.M. (Auckland)
Law office Dr. Kemper
Your Law office for real estate law, banking law and insurance law
Welcome to the law office of Dr. Kemper! – Your law office for real estate law, banking law and insurance law in the heart of Mannheim (near the “Wasserturm”).
We have specialized in the fields of real estate law, banking and capital market law as well as insurance law. In these areas of law we advise and represent private individuals and medium-sized companies nationwide in and out of court.
Our goal and standard is to show our clients legal solutions for economic problems and to implement them effectively. In doing so, we advise and represent our clients personally, carefully, transparently and comprehensibly.
Real Estate Law
In real estate law we are mainly active in the area of transaction law (= transfer of ownership of real estate), both for the buyer and the seller side. In this regard, we support you with the following services:
- Complete examination of real estate from a legal perspective (so-called legal due diligence);
- Structuring of real estate deals under consideration of tax law aspects (both asset and share deals);
- Drafting and negotiation of sales contracts;
- Legal support in the execution/implementation of sale contracts;
- Judicial and extrajudicial assertion of warranty claims arising from sale contracts.
Banking and capital market law
Also in the area of banking and capital market law, we exclusively represent the interests of clients of credit institutions or investment companies in order to avoid possible conflicts of interest with banks or investment companies. In this respect, we advise and represent the interests of clients of financial institutions in all disputes against financial institutions, e.g.:
- Any kind of dispute with a bank and/or an investment company;
- Revocation of consumer credit agreements;
- Claims for damages in the event of incorrect investment advice;
- Defense of contract terminations;
- Defense against enforcement measures;
- Advice on debt restructuring.
Insurance Law
In insurance law we exclusively represent the interests of policyholders or insured persons – never the interests of insurance companies. In this respect, we advise and represent insured persons (private individuals and entrepreneurs) in all disputes with insurers and insurance intermediaries, e.g.:
- Disputes arising from an insurance contract following a refusal or reduction of payment by the insurer (e.g. in the case of occupational disability insurance, building insurance, household contents insurance, car insurance, etc.);
- Revocation of insurance contracts (especially of endowment and pension insurance policies);
- Damages due to incorrect advice given by an insurance intermediary/broker;
- Defense against recourse claims by insurers;
- Defense against contract terminations.
Specialized and experienced – Mr. Kemper has specialized in the three legal fields mentioned above. Therefore, he not only has well-founded knowledge in these areas, but also, and above all, corresponding practical experience. In this regard, he benefits not only from his practical experience as a lawyer, but also from his practical experience in the financial industry (former banker). For this reason, Mr. Kemper knows the tricks and knacks of the financial and real estate industry first hand. And that is why you will find in Mr. Kemper a lawyer who is as specialized as he is experienced and who will use all his knowledge and experience to achieve the result you desire.
Economically sound – The financial sector is so complex and complicated that many consumers find it difficult to fully understand their own insurance or banking products. Mr. Kemper, on the other side, has a profound knowledge of financial economics, as evidenced by his (completed) business studies with a specialization in banking, his PhD-thesis on insurance law (including a comprehensive economic analysis of the insurance industry and its correlations to insurance contract law) and his practical experience in the financial sector. Therefore, you have found in Mr. Kemper a lawyer who will argue for your interests “on an equal footing” with representatives of the financial world.
Pragmatic and honest – Business law deals basically with one thing: economic = monetary goals. Therefore, we advise you not only about the chances of your case, but especially also about possible economic risks. In doing so, we will inform you in detail and comprehensively about all legal fees and court costs incurred. And on this basis we will perform together with you a cost-benefit analysis of a possible legal dispute. In doing so, we will not push anyone to litigation. If necessary, we will also advise against a legal dispute if it cannot be won legally or – taking into account a risk/reward assessment – makes no economic sense.
Personally – unlike the situation at medium-sized or even (US-American) “big law firms”, where clients are often “pushed” from one legal clerk to the other, at the law office of Mr. Kemper you will always be in contact with the right = responsible person, Mr. Kemper. This does not only shorten the communication channels, but also ensures, above all, a consistent quality of client counseling.
Committed – The law office of Mr. Kemper is strongly committed to your case. For this reason, the law firm only represents the clients of banking and insurance companies, but never financial institutions, in order to avoid possible conflicts of interest. In this way you can be sure that your mandate will be pursued with maximum vigor.
We speak English! – Mr. Kemper is fluent in English due to his professional stays abroad (LL.M. in Auckland [NZ] and legal activities in San Diego and New York) and his years of employment in a US-American law firm. Therefore, legal advice can easily be given in English, as well as correspondence with third parties.
Contactless (if desired) – Not only since the Corona pandemic, clients increasingly want the possibility to contact their lawyer not only personally (= in the law office), but also by means of modern communication channels, be it by e-mail, video conference or telephone. We respond to this wish by offering legal advice online or by telephone – optionally in addition to a personal meeting in our office which is, of course still possible. In this way, legal questions can often be answered more quickly than during a meeting in our office, which ultimately saves you a considerable amount of time.
Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist. TOP ANWALT!!! Herr Dr. Kemper ist nicht nur in juristischen Fragen äußerst kompetent, sondern er ist auch ein Anwalt der Menschlichkeit. Herr Dr. Kemper hat mich erfolgreich unterstützt, als mir die Zahlung des Krankentagegeldes verweigert wurde und die BU-Versicherung mir versuchte, zu kündigen. Ich bin Herrn Dr. Kemper für seinen Einsatz zu unendlichem Dank verpflichtet. Für mich gibt es keinen besseren Anwalt! Daniela Brandstätter27. August, 2022.Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist. Herr Kemper, immer erreichbar, sehr freundlich, sehr gute Beratung. Herr Kemper machte das möglich, was für andere quasi unmöglich erschien. Mir ist ein großer Stein vom Herzen gefallen. Danke für die schnelle und erfolgreiche Umsetzung. Herr Kemper hat mein vollstes Vertrauen und ich würde ihn jederzeit weiterempfehlen. Großartige Arbeit. Rosa Ciaola10. Februar, 2022.Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist. Ein hoch professioneler Anwalt mit einem sehr guten Verhandlungsgeschick und einer bemerkenswerten guten schriftlichen Ausdrucksweise. Herr Dr. Kemper ist sowohl fachlich als auch menschlich nur zu empfehlen. W K28. August, 2021.Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist. Herr Kemper hat sehr schnell eine professionelle Ersteinschätzung abgegeben. Die Prognosen standen gut und trotzdem wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass ein Prozess auch immer anders ausgehen kann. Die Kosten wurden mir ebenfalls klar dargestellt. Die Entscheidung, zu klagen habe ich nicht bereut. Schlussendlich hatte die Klage auch Erfolg. Der Kontakt war immer durchweg, freundlich und verständlich. Auf Nachfragen wurde ebenfalls immer reagiert. Ich kann Herrn Kemper mit ruhigen Gewissens weiterempfehlen. Simone Müller14. Juli, 2021.Trustindex überprüft, ob die Originalquelle der Bewertung Google ist. Der Anwalt ist einfach super. Sehr schnell und sehr freundlich. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und kann diesen Rechtsanwalt nur weiterempfehlen. Einfach ein klasse Anwalt. Alexandros Dadakos6. Mai, 2021.
Dr. Ulf-Gerson Kemper LL.M.
Augustaanlage 7-11
68165 Mannheim
Phone: +49621 – 586 742 80
Fax: +49621 – 586 742 8980
E-Mail: info@kemper.law